IF you are a beginner or even a veteran in lifting weights, one thing all of us will definitely agree is on the benefits of compound lifting. There are many types of compound lifting but for this post I am going to focus only on the basic, the BIG THREE. First of is…..


Dead lifts are very beneficial if done right, but if done wrong, you can end up with a slip disc and months of hospital bills. So why do it? Because dead lifts build your core, strengthens your lower back muscle, improves your leg strength and its an overall excellent lower body exercise. So, how to do it the right way? Here are some basic tips

  • If you are a beginner, start with an empty bar (without any weights). The truth is, for an exercise to be effective, it is important to ensure the technique is done right.
  • Always remember to lift the bar with your legs and not your hands
  • DO NOT BEND YOUR BACK OUTWARDS WHEN LIFTING!! This how you usually end up with a slip disc.
  • For the standard dead lift, tuck your legs in and your hands should be gripping the bar and must be positioned slightly away from your knees as demonstrated below
Hands positioned slightly a jar from the knees
From the down position, squeeze your stomach out, chest up and lift the bar with your legs

  • Once you have lifted the bar hold that position for 1 seconds then lower the weight down slowly in the same method.
  • Breathing technique is also essential. When in down position, breath in and when you lift the weight up, breath out and rinse and repeat.
  • Wear a lifting belt, it helps to lower the chances of any back injury.
  • Always remember, the key is technique so don’t go adding additional weights if you are unsure if your technique is good.
  • Always lift with a partner, helps to motivate you and also ensures that your technique is correct.
  • Last tip, always consult with a trainer if you feel you need any additional info or help.

I normally do dead lifts two to three times in a week, but in my opinion once a week should be sufficient. So that concludes part 1 on the Big Three, next up is SQUATS, everybody’s favorite exercise in the gym XD. Cheers 🙂