Working out for me is my motivation, it keeps me healthy, yes, but it is also my way to escape from everything. I don’t know about you guys, if you are enjoying what you are doing, regardless, that’s the best way to live. If you think getting a good job with high pay grade is the best for you then go for it, but they are some of us that realize that this is not for them. Let me ask you something, how are you suppose to be happy when you have to set an alarm to wake up every morning, force your self to the bathroom to do your business, and then force your self through traffic to get to your work place and then spend 8 hours of your life everyday to fulfill someone else’s goal. Is this all to life, work for someone everyday till you are 60 when there is no more energy left for you to do what you really wanted? I started this blog so that I can share my passion to those with similar interest and also to see if this can help me to do what I really like which is sharing my knowledge and experience on health and fitness to everyone. I am also passionate about video games ( yea..yea time wasting…whatever) (btw me and my little brother always talk about the games we play, guess he shares a similar interest :)) So what I am really trying to say is don’t waste your life and do what you like and whatever it is, be passionate about it so that you could have a fulfilling life.